Rafiki The Maker is a platform initially designed for desktop users. However, user feedback indicates that most access the platform via their phones, resulting in an additional 15 minutes to complete tasks. The small screen size complicates the display of the Uni-Level Tree, unlike the Binary Tree. In a Uni-Level Tree, a user can have 3-10 people below them, which works well on a desktop but is too narrow on a mobile device.
A simple chart was developed to show the current user base by device. Following this, a sketch was created to examine the screen view across various sizes and to visualize the implementation of features discussed with stakeholders.
Due to the fact that the platform is created for users with varying levels of experience and some features may not be consistently recognisable to all of our users, it is necessary to provide initial guidance and assistance.
The focus functionality for each feature is clearly indicated and positioned to avoid any confusion. Our user-supporting features have been divided into three categories: Reference, Discover, and Execute. They are all positioned just below the main menu’s header.
Reminder is the design pattern applied to this feature. First, allowing the functioning components to always appear on top has served to remind the user to always proceed to the same position. It was helpful when there were a lot of user profiles on the screen, and the help on the side bar made it twice as fast to find the profile you were looking for than scrolling through the screen.
Second, utilise colour to emphasise the elements that the user meant to work on. It would be highly effective if the map provided a preview of the overall status update.